5 Ways to Stay Present:
Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash
Sometimes our emotions run high and it can be hard to stay in the present moment. Maybe we become very focused on our fears and think about the worst thing that could happen in the future. Other times, we may experience resentment or disappointment about the past. When we are focused on the past as well as the future, we lose focus of our time in the present moment which is the only time we can use.
Being present allows us to focus on what’s in our control, it allows us to enjoy the moment and time that we have. It can also bring us out of really tough places mentally and emotionally if we allow ourselves the space to do so. Below are some easy exercises that can help us stay mindful and present.
Find 4 things in your immediate environment that catch your attention.
Notice certain features about these 4 things, the color, texture, etc. that draw your attention
Focus on your breath.
Acknowledge your chest go up and down as you breathe in through your nose and exhale air out through your mouth.
Tap your wrists.
Take the tips of your fingers and gently tap each of your wrists one at a time. Notice each sensation you feel while tapping each wrist.
Write down how you are feeling in the present moment. Sometimes just writing down “one” word to sum up your feelings is a good way to release emotion and stay in the present moment.
Tap into your 5 senses:
Focus on what you can smell in the present moment, what can you see?, what can you hear, touch, and taste. This small mindfulness based exercise allows up to tune into our surroundings using our senses as well as stay present.
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